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Mod Intro

This is the documentation for Besiege-Modern-Mod.


Besiege-Modern-Mod can be subscribed in steam workshop.



Today, some of the logic components that come with besiege have been able to achieve some basic automation. By combining sensors, timers, and logic gates, creative players have built whole bunch of incredible creations. However, in the game itself, it is very difficult to perform numerical calculations, and it may take dozens or hundreds of logic parts to form a computing unit. This method is not efficient, not to mention that setting up virtual logic cases is also very painful.

Then I came up with this mod, where the logic units are succinctly wired on a ciruit board and can handle varies kind of signals, such as

  • null
  • bool
  • float
  • vector2 (2D coordinates)
  • vector3 (3D coordinates, position/velocity/acceleration)
  • Quaternion (rotation)
  • package (collection of multiple signals, can be considered as parallel data, like {bool, float, vector3, null}).
  • Image

I believe that as the basic units of the mod is complete, besiege players can build automated machinery with fancier fucntions. The only limit is imagination while besiege players never lack that.

Let's make it happen!!!

Overview of the mod

Generally, there are four kinds of block in this mod, i.e. sensors, logic units, executors (corresponding to input→process→output) and others.

Logic units

All of the logic units has input ports and output ports, some of them may have control ports as well. They get the data from input ports, process it and generate outputs. In this mod, we have:

  • IF if condition
  • ALU numerical calculation
  • WHILE conditional loop
  • FOR times loop
  • PACKER pack up input signal
  • UNPACKER unpack input signal
  • MUX select input signal
  • REGISTER store single signal
  • MEMORY store signals with address


All of the sensors has output ports, some of them may have input ports as well. They are mainly responsible for generating signal for processing/execution. Equipped with wireless mode.

  • CONST generate constant signal
  • SWITCH generate bool signal which can be toggled by key
  • POSE SENSOR generate pose information
  • GPS generate position information
  • IMU generate velocity, acceleration information
  • RADAR detect object and generate the information of the detected object


All of the executors has input ports. Equipped with wireless mode(except for steering hinge).

  • KEY EMULATOR emulate holding key
  • STEERING HINGE steer to the given angle


Connect logic units, sensors and executors all together and make magics happen.

  • Board put units on it and wire them up
  • INPUT pin the input port for the board
  • OUTPUT pin the output port for the board
  • WIRE connect the input port and output port
  • WIRELESS send and receive wireless signal