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Stands for register.

Memorize the input signal as a variable and output the contained variable.

Input Ports

There is one input port i1, with the type of any.

Control Ports

There are two control ports, c1 and c2

  • c1 is the clock signal that will trigger the storage operation. bool type
  • c2 is the load signal that controls whether the unit should load data from i1. bool type.

Clock Trigger Mode

In the mapper of REG, there is a menu for the selection of trigger mode.

  • posedge: when the signal of c1 turns from false to true, the storage operation is triggered.
  • negedge: when the signal of c1 turns from true to false, the storage operation is triggered.
  • pos/neg: sum set of posedge and negedge.

Output Ports

There is one output port o1, with type of any.


Once the storage operation is triggered, REG will see the value of c1(load). If true, REG will read the signal of i1 and set o1 with the same value.

If false, REG will do nothing.