

Learning’s school of thoughts

Take the movie “Les Choristes” as an example


Principals stand for Behaviorism:

In the face of confused or lost teenagers, the principal’s education method is very representative of the indifferent and rigid “behaviorist”. He believes that violence and punishment can make children keep their duties. The endless and varied punishment methods are his masterpieces. In the face of the principal’s violence, the children really behaved in silence and followed the rules, but they did not believe the principal from the bottom of their hearts. Once the principal leaves and doesn’t pay attention, the children will play tricks behind their backs and vent their emotions.

One of the core viewpoints of behaviorism is that environment is the only condition for the learning, and learning is completely determined by the external environment. Therefore, the principal puts the focus of education on corporal punishment, punishment, reprimand, and criticism. Even if children make small mistakes, they will always be scolded or beaten.

It is true that punishment as an external stimulus can promote children to develop in a good way to a certain extent, but the fear generated by punishment is often greater than the education gained, so children will become more and more disobedient, and they will not learn what they should know at all.





Classical conditioning

When we learn that a stimulus predicts another stimulus.

Operant conditioning

When we learn that a behavior leads to a certain outcome.

Watching others

Observational learning

When we learn or change a behavior after watching a person engage in that behavior


Displaying a behavior that imitates a previously observed behavior

Vicarious conditioning

learning about an
action’s consequences by observing others being rewarded or
punished for their behavior


Mathews stands for Humanism:
Compared with the principal’s style, Teacher Matthew regards the children as himself, understands their distress, and walks into their hearts. Teacher Matthew is the first to really treat “problem teenagers” as dignified and thoughtful individuals. Teacher Matthew’s education and enlightenment are the classic characteristics of humanists.

Humanism holds that different people will have different beliefs about the same fact, which means different things to different people. Therefore, humanists can always start from the individual’s inner feelings and beliefs, and touch others with their feelings and ideas.

Teacher Matthew pays attention to discovering children’s potential in learning, and constantly encourages children to improve and cheer. Combined with rationality, it only helps children to affirm themselves and realize themselves.