trip generation, modal choice, routine choice
Path planning, Maneuver regulation
central command center send instructions
Some win, some lose
plan trip independently, selfish
little communication
Sometime efficient, sometime inefficient
static, in form of map
enable the route to be adapted to changing traffic conditions
$R>= 0$
$v[t+dt] = v[t]+u[t]*dt$
Specify the control input $u[t]$ for all t in $[0,T]$
not a good idea for autonomous driving.
In practice, we need to consider the uncertainty of the system.
We should have:
Where w(t) is the noise term capturing the uncertainty of the system.
Specify the control input $u[t]$ as a function of the state $v[t]$
able to adapt to the uncertainty of the system.
Compare the state $v[t]$ with the desired state $v_desired[t]$
Essentially, we need a mapping from state to control input
like map speed to acceleration
the $u[t]$ has linear relationship with $v[t]$
\mu[v] = k[v-v_{desired}]
linear time-invariant
exponential convergence is stronger than asymptotic convergent
if LTI system is asymptotic convergent, it is also exponential convergent
$v_{desired}, \delta$
$u[t]$ $t = 0,1,2$
$v[t+1] = v[t] + u[t]\delta + w[t]$
select $u[t]$ so that $w[t]$ will not accumulate
$u[t]=\mu(v[t]) = kv[t]$
v[t+1] = f(v[t],u[t])
Remember the review question
track means asymptotic convergent
$x[t]$ and $x_{desired}[t]$
$\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}|x[t]-x_{desired}[t] | = 0$
state of system:$[x[t], v[t]]^T$
if successful:
[x[t], v[t]]^T \rightarrow [x_{desired}[t], v_{desired}[t]]^T
u[t] = -k_1(x[t]-x_{desired}[t])-k_2(v[t]-v_{desired}[t])